The Fetherbay Files (Uncensored)

The fascinating life of an everyday family! We are as abnormal as any other. Enjoy a piece of our lives!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Back to the Normal World!

7 am Sunday morning and I am having my 1st cup of Columbian Fuel. That would be coffee, not cocaine! I slept through the night with one waking trip to the kitchen at 1 am for a bowl of cereal that put me right back to sleep. The wife and kids are still asleep and the dog just rolled back over and closed her eyes. All in all it was a successfully sleep cycle readjustment. I did begin my day at the end of a weird dream though.

I was in Tennessee somewhere (I think it was supposed to be) driving through a trailer park in the late night. There was another group of trailers across the street from the park that were supposed to be filled with troublemakers and non-desirables. For some reason I was looking for a specific address of one of those. ( I think I was there to help clean up the neighborhood or something like that) I went back to the park to a lady, who I think was supposed to be the park manager. Her front door was open and she was sleeping on the couch in the front living room with a fan blowing across the room from the center of the floor. I guess I knew her cause I started down hallways and looking into rooms. The mobile home was huge!! There was another living room down the hall but the rest of the place was empty of life. So I ran back up and woke her and asked her how to get to wherever it was I was trying to get to. She jumped up, wiped her eyes and we headed out the front door to my car. I told her it wasn't safe to be asleep with the front door wide open like that at night. She thanked me for my concern and next we were in my Envoy backing up. I glanced into the rear view and there was a parked car behind me that wasn't there before. I hit the brakes to avoid hitting it. I then turned my wheel to back out at an angle and all of a sudden a tingle came over my body and I started to feel weird. I kept backing up, but didn't look in the mirror as the dirt road behind me was all that I thought was there. As I cringed in hopes that nothing was behind me in the nighttime darkness and prepared to put it in drive to pull forward after the angled reverse, I felt the car start to back into a ditch. Uh Oh, It wasn't a ditch behind me it was a steep something. The car continues and starts a slow roll. I reach up and brace myself on the roof and tell the lady, "hold on we're having a bad accident!" The car continues to roll sideways, over and over. I am thinking, my wife is gonna be pissed that I have wrecked the car.

Then I wake up! I guess during all this unconscious commotion, I had slapped the dog. She was running to the bottom of the bed, looking at me like I was crazy. I had also stirred up Hilly but she didn't wake up enough to care.

It is funny how detailed our dreams are. How we seem to be in places that we know and interact with people that we know. Only to wake up and say, "What the F^&K!! It makes me wonder if we drift away into a parallel universe. Kind of like the Deja Vu that we all experience sometimes and can't figure out why a situation feels familiar.

OK !

It is too early on Sunday morning for and episode of Nova in my brain! :-)

I guess I'll go do some work. I have a few commercials to produce for a few clients. Then maybe the family will be up and moving and we can get into something today.

We are not the normal Sunday morning church family. Never have been. I have never felt close to my maker in a church. Spiritual, I am. But religion is scary to me.

However, if I could find THIS GUY preaching somewhere today I might go get a laugh or two.


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