The Fetherbay Files (Uncensored)

The fascinating life of an everyday family! We are as abnormal as any other. Enjoy a piece of our lives!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

More Wasted Money

I am flipping through my channels and pass a NASCAR race. A number 88 car stands out to me as it says NAVY across the side. I stop and watch. I go to the site on the bumper. It is the God dammed United States Navy. They are spending our tax money to sponsor a car. I always thought the recruiting commercials on TV the "Be all you can be" ads were PSA's. I am getting an education here. Our tax money is being used to sponsor a car in one of the most expensive sporting events of today. I don't remember getting a chance to vote on this. I am not a normal NASCAR viewer and may be late on this but it does hit a nerve with me.

What's Next? "The U.S. Navy Stadium" maybe they'll spend a few million of our dollars to put their name on an arena somewhere. While people still can't afford to go to the doctor and get their prescriptions filled in this country.

(The Next Morning)

I just woke up and decided to research this a little more and add this info to this posting.

Below is what I found for 2005. Last years wasteful spending.

Military and NASCAR

The military's sponsorships this year total more than $38 million.

*Army: $16 million (32 of 36 Nextel Cup races, a traveling interactive display and two "show cars" for track and event appearances)

*National Guard: $6 million (24 Nextel Cup events)

*Navy: $5 million (35 Busch Series and two Nextel Cup races, show car and video simulators)

*Coast Guard: $4.4 million (35 Busch Series races and show car)

*Air Force: $3.3 million (four Nextel Cup races, at-track advertising and three show cars)

*Marine Corps: $3.3 million (35 Busch Series races and show car)

Military-sponsored NASCAR drivers

Series: Nextel Cup
Car No. 01
Driver: Joe Nemechek

Series: Busch Series
Car No. 14
Driver: David Stremme

Air Force
Series: Nextel Cup (4 races)
Car No. 21
Driver: Ricky Rudd

Marine Corps
Series: Busch Series
Car No. 25
Driver: Ashton Lewis Jr.

Coast Guard
Series: Busch Series
Car No. 44
Driver: Justin Labonte

National Guard
Series: Nextel Cup (24 races)
Car No. 16
Driver: Greg Biffle

Another thing I learned from this whole event is that The Pentagon spent 600 Million dollars on advertising for the Armed Forces recruitment campaign last year.

WOW! Why shouldn't they use PSA's and our broadcast license holders, (TV and Radio) run the ads for free?

Dying To Learn

My 15 y/o tells us in a recent conversation that drugs are all in her school hallways. On The last day of school last season there was a big brawl planned for after school between 2 large groups of Bloods and Crips, so I was told after it all happened. Earlier this week my 11 y/o daughter ( a middle school student) tells us that an English teacher was sent home with his belongings and was crying as he left the campus. On the evening news that evening he was one of the lead stories. He was accused of touching a student in an inappropriate sexual fashion. Just this evening my kids come home from the High School homecoming game and tell us that there was gunfire at the game and Police all over the place.What is going on?

I am almost scared to send my kids to the bus stop anymore. I am not real comfortable with them going to Friday Night Football games to be honest. As the old timers say, "this world is headed to hell in a hand basket."

Again I drift back to my belief that lack of discipline in schools and the home is the root of these problems. I was a child of corporal punishment in school, from elementary on. From the beginnings of kindergarten we became very aware of the fact, that if we were disrespectful, or acted out violently or in a profane or inappropriate manner consequences were inevitable. Most children grew to respect the authority of our teachers. We might not have liked a lot of them through the years, but we respected them the way a child should respect an adult authority figure. If we didn't, our hands were on the wall and a paddle was hitting our ass in the hallway. I received a number of them from elementary through Jr High. I deserved them all and more. I was never physically harmed. (Yeah my ass stung for a few minutes afterwards) and the class may have giggled when I came back in from the hallway paddle lick. But 9 times out of 10 I never received a paddling for the same thing twice.As we evolve into a nation of Dr. Phil, time out, parents and guardians, our youth are growing up with terrible respect issues. It is so bad in our county school system now that counselors and school security officers are using tasers on High School students.

So we can't paddle them or whip them when they are young. Then they reach high school and have no sense of respect and think they can do what they want to do. How would you like your son or daughter to come home and tell you that a teacher just shot him or her with a taser gun sending 50,000 volts of electricity through their body.Don't paddle them and teach them the boundaries of authority when they are young? Just let them grow up to be unruly and we'll tase them with police tasers. I think a paddle is a little less lethal than a 50,000 volt taser gun.

I also believe we need to quit sending a DARE officer in to teach them about drugs and send in a German Sheppard drug dog in to sniff out and corner every thug in the school system who is bringing drugs to our schools. I think the memory of a dog ripping a drug filled backpack off of a high school drug dealer and watching him lead to prison in handcuffs will have much more impact on our kids than some officer passing a pipe around for them to look at.

Tell the school psychologists to explain how we have come to this?

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Free Duane "Dog" Chapman!! PETITION

Sign the petition!!!

Link Below!!

Murder By Music

Maybe I am getting old and un-cool. But I really don't think that is the case. I was just talking to on of my best friends and we were discussing Rap Music that is at the top of the radio charts today and comparing the lyrics of the late 80's / early 90's when we were listening to Rap Music.

I guess the best way to explain is to share a few versus of a #1 Song then and now and you decide.

Below are lyrics to :

Young Jeezy's "Then What"
A Chart Topper all Summer Long This 2006. With Multi-Platinum Sales
Explanations in red if you aint hip like dad here :-)

First I'm gone stack my flo' (Count His Drug Money)
And then what
Then I'm gone stack some mo'
and then what
Close shop then I do my count
Hide the rest of the yams at my auntie house (Hide his Cocaine at a relatives home)
And then what
Get Fresh and jump in one of dem cars (yeah)
Hit the club and get one of dem broads
And then what
It's a wrap we on the way to the house
by 345 I be kickin' her out (After sex, He throws the Women out of his home)

Patty cake patty cake microwave (cooking powder cocaine into crack using a microwave oven)
These suckas make a square damn I'm paid (drug sales are lucrative for him)
I'm so cool but I'm so hot
I'm I'm so fly and you you're so not
Show me what you're workin' wit just like that (asking a girl to show her ass to him)
Turn around bend over bring it back (self explanatory)
I tried to tell 'em but these niggaz ain't hearin' me
Mossberg Pump ridin' shotgun literally (informing us that he rides around with a pump shotgun in his car)

Now lets go back to 1989 and Look at a summer chart topper of that year and compare lyrics.

KRS One, MC Lyte and Chuck D - "Self Destruction"
Also Multi-Platinum sales and a chart topper
I don't think you'll need translations on this one

Well, today's topic, self destruction
It really ain't the rap audience that's buggin
It's one or two suckas, ignorant brothers
Trying to rob and steal from one another
You get caught in the mid
So to crush the stereotype here's what we did
We got ourselves together so that you could unite and fight for what's right Not negative
Cause the way we live is positive We don't kill our relatives

MC Lyte
Funky Fresh dressed to impress ready to party
Money in your pocket, dying to move your body
To get inside you paid the whole ten dollars
Scotch taped with a razor blade taped to your collar
Leave the guns and the crack and the knives alone
MC Lyte's on the microphone
Bum rushin and crushin, snatchin and taxin
I cram to understand why brother's don't be maxin
There's only one disco, they'll close one more
You ain't guarding the door so what you got a gun for?
Do you rob the rich and give to the poor?

Chuck D & Flavor Flav of Public Enemy
Yes we urge to merge we live for the love of our people the hope that they get along
(Yeah, so we did a song)
Getting the point to our brothers and sisters Who don't know the time
(boyyyee, so we wrote a rhyme)
It's dead in your head, you know, I'll drive to build And collect ourselves with intellect
Come on To revolve to evolve to self respect
Cause we got to keep ourselves in check Or else it's...

Self Destruction, ya headed for Self Destruction
Self Destruction, ya headed for Self Destruction

Can you now understand why we feel like Hip Hop has been hijacked by thugs who promote crime, violence, murder and want to rape our daughters and throw them in the street in the middle of the night after they are finished using them as a device for their drug induced sexual pleasure?

I can post the lyrics of song after song after song............................ From then and now and you'll see the same contrast. The music industry, radio stations, and our own FCC supports this garbage and slowly feeds it to our children. Our children are slowly being brainwashed into thinking that selling drugs, going to titty bars, carrying guns, and sexually assaulting women is cool. It is all over the radio and TV. Our daughters are being taught to be whores and sex objects for thugs. And there is nothing that we can do to stop is a cancer that has grown around us as a society and it's influence is killing the next generation.

When I was growing up we didn't have private corporations building prisons for profit and renting the cells to government. There was no shortage of prison bed space then. Maybe that is because we could whip our kids. Teachers could paddle them if they were unruly and the music and t.v. weren't telling them to be criminals.

Government has told us we can't discipline them in ways that have been around since the beginning of mankind. We now go to jail if we spank our kids. Our kids go to jail cause we couldn't spank them. We can't spank them but the FCC allows them to be brainwashed into criminals over the public airwaves that we pay for and then they kill them on death row or put them in prison and tell us it costs $100,00.00 (One Hundred Thousand Dollars) a year to house them in a 6X10 room. The national average spent is $70,000.00 (Seventy Thousand) per prisoner, per year.

I know families of 4 and more who live on half that yearly in 3 bedroom homes. It appears to me we are being pissed on and told it's rain. How do we stop this madness. We are being charged $70,000.00 per year, per prisoner. Come on .... Lets get real!!

The U.S. prison population, already the largest in the world, grew by 1.9 percent in 2005, leaving federal jails at 40 percent over capacity. Inmates in federal, state, local and other prisons totaled nearly 2.3 million at the end of last year, the government said. The 1.9 percent increase was lower than the average annual growth rate of 3.2 percent during the last decade.

That Means we pay an average of $161,000,000,000 (one hundred sixty one billion dollars) a year to house our criminals. I hope I did the math right!!! That doesn't include the money we spend on public defenders in millions of cases per year.

I believe that if the airwaves were filled with the lyrical content of the 60's 70's 80's and even the 90's we could possibly empty out enough prisons to free up enough money for proper healthcare coverage for our citizens.....

... Oh but our pharmaceutical companies are probably loving what is on the air today.

I have been in broadcasting for 18 years now and embarrassed and ashamed at what radio has become. I can't watch videos or listen to Top 40 radio with my kids as it is embarrassing to them and me. I wonder if George Bush has even listened to a top 40 station lately? Probably never has in the 6 years he has drained our surplus budget into a multi trillion dollar deficit.


I know this post is all over the road and I am frustrated. So I'll end it now and try to get some sleep!!!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Dog-Gone Mad

So I'm watching the news and I see that Duane "Dog" Chapman has been picked up by federal marshals in Hawaii and jailed for failure to appear in court in Mexico. WTF is wrong with our system?

Now let's re-cap the events that led up to this whole insane event and see if it makes any sense to you.

The heir to Max Factor cosmetics, Andrew Stuart Luster was drugging women and raping them once they were unconscious. He was arrested and released on one million dollars bail. He then left the country, moved to Mexico and was enjoying life. Probably raping women there too. He was a high profile fugitive that even our own great FBI couldn't locate. There was a One Million Dollar Bounty on him and nobody could locate him.

Dog, his son and brother hear that he is hiding in Mexico. The go down, find him and arrest him. Mexican Police say that they must turn him over to them. He refuses saying he is going to return him to California Authorities. They arrest him and through him and his crew into a dirty Mexican jail, which got a lot of press.

Now I didn't fall off a turnip truck yesterday. I have known for years how corrupt the Mexican police organization is. It has always been common knowledge to keep a nice stash of money handy in case you ever got stopped in Mexico for the most minor traffic violation. One of the reasons I never visited the areas near the US borders was due to the nightmares I had heard from friends who had been locked up or detained until they could have money wired to the cops so they could come home.

So Dog Pays his bail and is released from Jail and heads back to the US. When he arrives to claim his reward money he is told he isn't gonna get it and called a vigilante. He gracefully writes it off as a loss and states, "Well at least this sexual predator is off the streets and will not rape anymore women" What a spiritual way of looking at the situation.

He then was approached by A&E to do a documentary on his day to day life as a Bounty Hunter.He becomes a role model for kids all over America. He is the only man I have ever seen that will hunt down, wrestle to the ground and handcuff a fugitive, only to hold his hands a pray for him before walking him into a jail. He appears to be a wonderfully spiritual man who is making the world a better place.

He recently received Honors and Awards in Hawaii for his contribution to cleaning up the streets and his vital role in they war against drugs there.

Now Mexico is bitching because he didn't show back up to court after he got out of jail, so they could get more money out of him for their corrupt law enforcement organization. I would think they have bigger fish to fry than be worrying about a man who removed a rapist from their community. Oh, but maybe they knew he was there all along. Maybe Mr. Luster was paying them for protection. Maybe if Dog hadn't made such a fuss back then and turned Mr. Luster over to them it would have all worked out and Mr. Luster would be raping women all over Mexico while the Police Officer's pockets got fatter.

Now Law enforcement from the same community that just honored Dog Chapman for his contribution to the world is arresting him, throwing him in jail and threatening extradition to Mexico for failure to appear in court.Do Mexican police have pictures of George Bush screwing a Sheep? Why are we arresting a man for not reporting to court in a country that will not even help us secure our borders. Why are we arresting a man for bringing a sexual predator of the worst kind to justice. For God's sake, he was Fu#&ing unconscious women against their will.

Dog and his family did what our own FBI and Federal marshals were unable to do.

Law enforcement is waaaaay on wrong side of history on this one. It is shit like this that slowly erodes the way we look at our justice system. How do I explain to my kids what has happened and expect it to make any moral sense to them?

I am pissed. REALLY PISSED. Our government is pissing in our face an telling us it's rain and locking up our heroes, while more crimes are committed on Capitiol Hill in a week than most of the worst criminals commit in their lives!!!

God Help US Please!!!!!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

A Family Flashback

This past Saturday evening I finally had an evening where all the family was available for a night out. With 2 teenage kids in the house I find that they are always planning or wanting to go somewhere on the weekends. But this past weekend I found us all together on Saturday afternoon and decided to share an experience with them that bring back wonderful childhood memories.

To my surprise, my wife had never been to a drive in movie either. We have one 20 minutes from our house and I hadn't been in 15 years myself. I was concerned that they may not like it but thought it was worth a shot.

What a wonderful experience it was!! The staff was great, the crowd was filled with other families and the demographics were very diverse. For only $8.00 per car you get (2) full length 1st run movies. The snack bar had the great drive in favorites I remembered. We backed in to our spot and raised the hatch on the Envoy, laid the back seats down and Hilly and I streched out with pillows in the back while the girls sat in their lawn chairs at our feet. They now broadcast the movie audio on an FM signal so you can listen through your car stereo in Dolby surround sound. If you like the old school speaker from the pole they have that too. We picked up a couple radio walkmans on the way for the girls and switched up and gave them the back of the Envoy for the second film.

Eight Dollars for 2 movies for a family of 4 is a great deal!! Plus nothing beats the nostalgic atmosphere of the old Drive Inn experience.

If you have a drive inn movie theatre anywhere near you, share it with your kids or grandkids as they are a dying breed. I am happy to know that this one is family owned, been here for over 50 years and the owner told me they aren't going anywhere.... And I can see why - There were over 100 cars there by the second feature, so it looks like they are making a little mint off the place. Plus I'm sure they own the place after 50 years.

If you are ever in the Charlotte, NC area Check out The Belmont Drive in off I-85.

Here is there Website ----->

We will be going back as much as possible - THE KIDS LOVED IT!!