Dog-Gone Mad
So I'm watching the news and I see that Duane "Dog" Chapman has been picked up by federal marshals in Hawaii and jailed for failure to appear in court in Mexico. WTF is wrong with our system?
Now let's re-cap the events that led up to this whole insane event and see if it makes any sense to you.
The heir to Max Factor cosmetics, Andrew Stuart Luster was drugging women and raping them once they were unconscious. He was arrested and released on one million dollars bail. He then left the country, moved to Mexico and was enjoying life. Probably raping women there too. He was a high profile fugitive that even our own great FBI couldn't locate. There was a One Million Dollar Bounty on him and nobody could locate him.
Dog, his son and brother hear that he is hiding in Mexico. The go down, find him and arrest him. Mexican Police say that they must turn him over to them. He refuses saying he is going to return him to California Authorities. They arrest him and through him and his crew into a dirty Mexican jail, which got a lot of press.
Now I didn't fall off a turnip truck yesterday. I have known for years how corrupt the Mexican police organization is. It has always been common knowledge to keep a nice stash of money handy in case you ever got stopped in Mexico for the most minor traffic violation. One of the reasons I never visited the areas near the US borders was due to the nightmares I had heard from friends who had been locked up or detained until they could have money wired to the cops so they could come home.
So Dog Pays his bail and is released from Jail and heads back to the US. When he arrives to claim his reward money he is told he isn't gonna get it and called a vigilante. He gracefully writes it off as a loss and states, "Well at least this sexual predator is off the streets and will not rape anymore women" What a spiritual way of looking at the situation.
He then was approached by A&E to do a documentary on his day to day life as a Bounty Hunter.He becomes a role model for kids all over America. He is the only man I have ever seen that will hunt down, wrestle to the ground and handcuff a fugitive, only to hold his hands a pray for him before walking him into a jail. He appears to be a wonderfully spiritual man who is making the world a better place.
He recently received Honors and Awards in Hawaii for his contribution to cleaning up the streets and his vital role in they war against drugs there.
Now Mexico is bitching because he didn't show back up to court after he got out of jail, so they could get more money out of him for their corrupt law enforcement organization. I would think they have bigger fish to fry than be worrying about a man who removed a rapist from their community. Oh, but maybe they knew he was there all along. Maybe Mr. Luster was paying them for protection. Maybe if Dog hadn't made such a fuss back then and turned Mr. Luster over to them it would have all worked out and Mr. Luster would be raping women all over Mexico while the Police Officer's pockets got fatter.
Now Law enforcement from the same community that just honored Dog Chapman for his contribution to the world is arresting him, throwing him in jail and threatening extradition to Mexico for failure to appear in court.Do Mexican police have pictures of George Bush screwing a Sheep? Why are we arresting a man for not reporting to court in a country that will not even help us secure our borders. Why are we arresting a man for bringing a sexual predator of the worst kind to justice. For God's sake, he was Fu#&ing unconscious women against their will.
Dog and his family did what our own FBI and Federal marshals were unable to do.
Law enforcement is waaaaay on wrong side of history on this one. It is shit like this that slowly erodes the way we look at our justice system. How do I explain to my kids what has happened and expect it to make any moral sense to them?
I am pissed. REALLY PISSED. Our government is pissing in our face an telling us it's rain and locking up our heroes, while more crimes are committed on Capitiol Hill in a week than most of the worst criminals commit in their lives!!!
God Help US Please!!!!!
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