The Fetherbay Files (Uncensored)

The fascinating life of an everyday family! We are as abnormal as any other. Enjoy a piece of our lives!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Life Balance (What is the Recipe)?

What makes a perfect weekend?

I have friends and family who run non-stop all the time. Gotta go a party on Friday, Mow the grass on Saturday, A social function Saturday evening, but 1st I gotta buy an outfit and shop for groceries. Sunday I'll clean house and then go do some more shopping. (Something Lke that)
You can fill in the activities with whatever fits.

If we only have one life, that we know of.....

Why spend it running with blinders on and never slowing down.

If we hate our jobs - get out of them as soon as possible.

If we are still tired on Sunday evening - We have done something wrong!

Does wealth really make us happy?

Can we have financial and spiritual wealth in perfect balance?

Do we spend quality time with those we love?

What is our definition of quality time?

It all seems confusing right? That is the problem! We have cluttered our lives with ideas and fears that have us running a marathon to happiness that never ends. It is time to get back to basics. Simplify things a little and really START LIVING. Quit over planning our free time with a day planner weeks in advance. So what if the grass is a little high, mow it tomorrow, or let the 12 year old boy down the street make $20.00 and YOU sit back and relax a little. Do you really have to be at all the places you have been going? Is there anything about your schedule that FEEDS YOUR SOUL? Or are we just being guided by strings, like a puppet controlled by a selfish, unsatisfied society's competitive idea of perfection?

I spent this weekend with my family. We played video games when we felt like it. Cooked in at home all weekend (and ate good). Took naps when I felt like it. Called my Mom, Pops, Grandma and Uncle throughout the weekend and smiled during each call at some point. I kissed my wife and kids this weekend. Even my dog got a lot of attention, and I told them all that I loved them!
Guess what, I wasn't tired on Sunday Night! I did fall asleep watching King of The Hill on Fox. But that was probably due to the fried rice I had just eaten. I always nap after a big meal. There is nothing like a Sunday Night, full stomach nap on the couch drifting in and out of a 60 Minutes Episode. It's a great way to wind down for a Monday.

I'm not saying that we shouldn't have a good work ethic. We should work hard, play hard and rest hard. But too much of one will knock us off balance. And if we are not happy in any of the categories we need to do something to change that.

It is O.K. to say no to invitations. We don't have to go everywhere and do everything we are invited or asked to. That is called "People Pleasing" and it will make you miserable in time.

There is a reason that all through my life, town to town across this beautiful country, I have always found and been drawn to The Andy Griffith Show. What a wonderful display of balance!

The Secret Of Life is the passage of time. Simple, spontaneous events, intertwined with labor and love.

I know a few people who do get it! I am still trying to perfect it. But when I sometimes get it right, It feels wonderful!!


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