The Fetherbay Files (Uncensored)

The fascinating life of an everyday family! We are as abnormal as any other. Enjoy a piece of our lives!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Will Unleaded Make Me Happy?

As I begin my day, I look over and notice that I have two 10mg Lexapro left in my bottle. Being self employed and in between insurance coverage right now, I have to pay full price for it. I have been getting it from a family menber who has 2 prescriptions and fills one for me under their insurance. The 2 of them split a 20mg a day and I get the 10mg supply from the other one's monthly prescription. The doctor set it up that way so we could all be covered. Hopefully in a month or so, I will be on a new insurance plan and can get it in my name again. I try to stay on a plan, but when my wife changes jobs or we move, sometimes we find ourselves in a window of non-coverage.

I did find a 3 month supply available online from a Canadian mail order Pharmacy for $90.00. That is great, considering that a one moth supply here costs $100.00.

But isn't that illegal?

It makes me so mad!!! Big Oil can buy there crude from the middle east or anywhere. Phillip Morris and RJR can buy their tobacco from Brazil or Peru and slowly send generations of American tobacco farmers to homelessness. I can hardly find and furniture in the showrooms anymore that was made in the US. I call a software company for tech support and get a man from East India that can hardly speak English, flipping through the same manual I have to give me assistance. BUT, I can't buy my doctor prescibed medication from a Canadian supplier who wants to save me $933.00 a year.

I am not Michael Dell and don't play golf with the President in Texas. I'm just a guy who works for himself, after the FCC ruined the radio business in 1995. I guess I can never compete with the pharmaceutical lobbyists who pay money to have these laws passed.

It's a damn shame that private companies make the laws and profit from them. Our government leaders just sit around with their hands out waiting for money and instructions. "NEW LEGISLATION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER"!!

It's time to reflect back to Thursday, December 16, 1773.

Let's replace the tea with pills and have a Boston Pill Party!!!


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