The Fetherbay Files (Uncensored)

The fascinating life of an everyday family! We are as abnormal as any other. Enjoy a piece of our lives!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

We Close for WHAT?

What are we teaching our kids?

They all learn the (Cute Little Rhyme) ... "In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue".....
History places great significance on his first voyage of 1492, although he did not actually reach the mainland of North America until his third voyage in 1498, where he was in route to India and got lost. He landed on the continent of North America and referred to the natives as Indians out of ignorance to his actual location.

How can you discover something that already exists and call it new?

A drunken Spaniard gets his direction wrong and we celebrate it by closing the banks, post office and businesses all over the USA.

We should change it to Native American Day and celebrate the realness of this land's history.

Just a thought, since I waited all day yesterday for the mailman and finally realized he wasn't coming. Then went to the bank to realize that it was closed too.

The Spanish tried to claim this land once and now they are trying again. Instead of an Atlantic Ocean route they just run across our unsecured boarders.

Next Year on what they call Columbus Day, lets all meet at the boarder and kick a little ass in the Name Of Native Americans, then stop by a Casino and give em some support!


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